Feb 24
Breakfast: 1 Slice Wheat Toast w/ Peanut Butter
Snack: Cottage Cheese & Grapes
Lunch: BW3s - Chicken Tender Salad (Med. Sauce) w/ Ranch dressing - I assume my husband didn't order me LF or FF Ranch. :)
Snack: none
Dinner: 2 Crunchy Tacos (broken for salad) w/ seasoned ground beef, lettuce, cheese, little sour cream, salsa
Snack: none
Water: 3.5 Waters, 1 Milk + Vitamin
Planned: Lower Body
Actual: Lower Body & Horizontal Cardio :)
A little self motivation...I've lost .5 lb. Need to kick it up if I'm going to lose another 1.5 by March 1.
Leaving at 2:30 to head to the dentists' office (look for update in main blog later tonight) so I won't be having an afternoon snack. Although after the dentist I might eat some jello b/c we might try to hit the gym early so we make sure to get both it and some horizontal cardio in before the Thursday night TV shows. Isn't that bad? Eric thinks it's the end of the world. I told him he could TiVo them if he really wants to. I think he just likes to hear my say I don't want to miss those Thurs. shows. ;)
MY GOAL: Weigh 142.5 by March 1
GWO GOAL: Weigh 135 by April 21
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